Apex Dermatology introduces breakthrough melanoma detection device to its practice.
Dr. Jorge Garcia-Zuazaga is the FIRST dermatologist in the State of Ohio to have this new digital mole mapping device.
MelaFind is a first-of-its-kind technology that is used during a skin exam to help dermatologists see under the skin’s surface. The device collects information from 2.5 mm deep into the skin painlessly and non-invasively using computer vision technology.
“We are excited to have this tool in our practice as a clinically validated, objective system to help us in deciding whether or not to biopsy atypical moles we see on our patients,” said Dr. Jorge Garcia-Zuazaga. “Everyone is at risk for melanoma. It is important for dermatologists to have a device such as MelaFind to help us detect potential melanomas at the earliest, curable stage.”
Call our office for details on Melafind or email us for more information.
Watch a video on Melafind: Finding Skin Cancer Earlier